Monday, April 12, 2010

Don't buy Flash Builder - it's now included in CS5!

Flex Builder has always felt a bit like like Adobe's "ugly duckling" product. I'm used to licensing Flex Builder and Creative Suite separately. Yesterday I tried to buy Flash Builder 4 but failed only 'cos Adobe's UK on-line store was down for maintenance. Wow that was lucky! Today I discover that Flash Builder 4's bundled in CS5 Web Premium now. So I can upgrade my Creative Suite license and I get Flash Builder for free!


JohnO said...

Be aware that its Flash Builder Standard that’s part of Creative Suite not Premium, so you're missing out on the memory profiler.

Unknown said...

Remember though, it is Flash Builder standard not premium. So it's another $499 to upgrade to premium Flash Builder later still, and I do feel that Adobe is cheating people out of money a little on that.

iBrent said...

I've been told that it's only Flash Builder 4 Standard. So keep that in mind when upgrading. :(


Anonymous said...

Just remember that it's the "Standard Version" of Flash Builder, and not the "Premium Version". You will have to pay to $499 to upgrade it to "Premium", vs. only $299 to upgrade from Flex Builder 3 Professional.

Graeme Harker said...

Thanks guys. I guess I'll be buying Flash Builder "Premium" separately after all. It's a shame Adobe don't make this more clear on CS5's product pages.